
I have been providing direct service to clients in the field of social work for over 22 years. I've worked in group homes, treatment centers, and social service agencies. I'm a mother, a teacher, a survivor, a business woman and a forever learner. I don't practice in one path or methodology. I have walked and utilize numerous paths and recognize that no human can be easily categorized. I am here to see you as you are. Witnessing is so vital. To be seen and valued as our authentic self is relieving in these times. I want to see you for you and validate your experience. From there, we can choose what tools you would like to utilize to achieve your goals.

My Experience :
Childhood Trauma (physical, sexual and/or emotional)
PTSD (automobile, childhood trauma, rape, abusive relationships)
Alcohol and Drug Addiction (fluent in 12 step program teachings)
Anxiety (OCD, panic attacks)
Depression (mild, severe, bipolar)
Sexual Assault (rape, molestation, incest, marital)
Spiritual and/or Religious Explorations
Environmental Sensitivities (EMF, all sensory)
Food Disorders (bulimia, comfort eating)
Family Therapy
Group or Partner Therapy

I have experience with empowering individuals to cope with what plagues them. I have worked in the depths of human experience and have no judgement. We are all doing the best we can with what tools we have available us. I want to offer you an array of new possible tools that you can try out at your discretion. It is YOUR life and YOUR experience. I am an active sounding board and a resource to you to unlock what you want inside yourself.